I'm back again...anyhow this is gonna be a short post as I have been really busy the level where I'm stressed, tired, de-motivated and feeling purposeless.
Well, I just want to rant about how I feel so that I would feel after this. Been busy mostly with work-related stuff. The workload has been kinda crazy lately but then again I could have managed my time better – I’ll learn from this. Then, I had some conflicts with one of my “bestest” buddy in office, we ended up in an argument…sigh…well, after a heart-to-heart talk with each other, I feel good because I’m able to be honest with him about how I feel about him but at the same time I can’t help but feel guilty about what has happened. Well, we will learn from this experience and hopefully we can work better together :)
Lately, I have not been going to gym…sigh…I guess I’ll have to start soon to achieve my new year’s resolution of losing weight…seems like I have gained 2kg lately : (
After a hectic and crazy week, I’m looking forward to a new start this week and the weeks to come…I would be stronger, smarter and tougher to face the challenges ahead of me…I know I can do it because I’m capable : )
Got this link from a fren...kinda cool...enjoy : P